Barry Allen (aka Flash) (Earth 1) Character Portfolio — Power, Abilities

Barry Allen (aka Flash) (Earth 1) Character Portfolio — Power, Abilities

Barry Allen, widely recognized as the Silver Age Flash, stands as one of the most influential and enduring superheroes in comic book history. Introduced in Showcase #4 in 1956 by writer Robert Kanigher and artists Carmine Infantino and Joe Kubert, Barry Allen revolutionized the superhero genre and redefined the character of The Flash, turning him into a cultural icon. His creation marked a significant shift in the comic book industry, breathing new life into the superhero genre after a period of decline. Barry’s unique blend of scientific intellect, relatable personality, and extraordinary powers made him a hero that resonated with readers of all ages. His legacy has not only endured, but has also shaped the broader landscape of superhero storytelling across multiple generations.

Barry Allen (Flash) Profile

Basic Information

Name Bartholomew Henry “Barry” Allen
Superhero NameFlash
Other NamesBlack Flash
Black Racer
Negative Flash
Fastest Man Alive

Team Up and Relationship

Team Up Justice League
Central City Police
Flash family
Justice incarnate
Justice league: Team Wisdom
RelativesNora Allen (Mother)
Henry Allen (Father)
Iris West (Fiancé)
Dawn Allen (daughter)
Don Allen (son)
Wally West (nephew/surrogate son)
Wallace West (nephew)
Bart Allen (grandson)
Base of OperationsCentral City
Hall of Justice


IdentitySecret Identity
Marital StatusEngaged
Police Forensic Scientist

Physical Characteristics

Height6.0ft (182.88 cm)

Powers, Abilities and Weakness


  • Speed Force Conduit
    • Superhuman Speed
    • Superhuman Reflexes
    • Superhuman Stamina
    • Superhuman Agility
    • Superhuman Strength
    • Speed Force Aura

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