Dormammu, one of Marvel Comics’ most formidable cosmic entities, has captivated readers for decades with his dark mysticism and unrelenting ambition for power. His presence in the Marvel Universe symbolizes the ultimate embodiment of otherworldly chaos and mystical energy. Dormammu is not just a mere villain; he represents a force of nature, a being whose power and influence transcend the boundaries of the physical realm. His near-limitless capabilities make him a constant threat to not only Earth but the entire multiverse.
The character of Dormammu was created by the legendary duo Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, first appearing in Strange Tales #126 in 1964. His creation was part of the introduction of a more mystical and metaphysical storytelling style within the Marvel Universe, which was embodied in the adventures of Doctor Strange. Dormammu’s design was intentionally crafted to be visually striking, reflecting his status as a cosmic-level threat. His flaming visage and imposing stature make him instantly recognizable among Marvel’s pantheon of villains.
Dormammu’s origin is steeped in cosmic lore, drawing from the rich mythos of Marvel’s mystical dimensions. He was originally a Faltine, a race of energy beings from another dimension who thrived on pure mystical energy. However, Dormammu and his sister, Umar, diverged from their kind by becoming obsessed with physical matter and power. This obsession led to their banishment from the Faltine dimension and the eventual conquest of the Dark Dimension, a realm where Dormammu reigns supreme and continues to expand his influence.
What sets Dormammu apart from many other villains is not just his vast power but his insatiable hunger for conquest across realities. His ambitions extend far beyond conventional villainy; he seeks total domination of all realities, bending time, space, and existence to his will. This makes him a uniquely terrifying antagonist, as his goals and methods are far removed from mortal comprehension. His confrontations with Doctor Strange often explore themes of knowledge, power, and the limits of human resilience against overwhelming cosmic threats.
Table of Contents
Dormammu Profile

Basic Information
Name | Dormammu |
Other names | The Dread One Dread Dormammu Eater of Souls He Who Waits Lord of Darkness Lord of Chaos Lord of the Dark Dimension Keeper of the Mindless Ones Dormie Dormy Doormat The Great Enigma |
Team Up and Relations
Team up | Hell Lords Lords of the Splinter Realms Lords of the Netherworlds |
Relatives | Parents: Sinifer (genitor) Siblings: Umar (twin sister) Children: Satannish (son) Doyle Dormammu (son) |
Hosts | Ego the Living Planet Jennifer Kale The Hood |
Marital Status | Single |
Physical Characteristics
Gender | Male |
Height | 6.1ft (185.93 cm) |
Weight | Variable |
Eyes | Yellow Green (in human form) |
Hair | No Hair At All |
Unusual Features | Flaming Head |
Powers, Abilities and Weakness
- Sorcery over the Flames of the Faltine
- Banishment
- Superhuman Strength
- Astral Projection
- Matter Transmutations
- Inter-dimensional / Transportation
- High-Speed Flight
- Transformations
- Elemental Control
- Summoning
- Time Travel
- Invulnerability
- Size Alteration
- Intangibility
- Immortality
- Regenerative Healing Factor
- Energy Projection
- Energy Absorption
- Psionics
- Power Bestowal
- Reality Wraping
- Resurrection
- Super Genius Intelligence
- Master Martial Artist
- Spells from Sorcerer Supreme
- Minoru‘s mystical Staff of One
- Mysterium
Origin and Living Status
Origin | Faltine Magician |
Living Status | Alive |
Reality | Earth 616 |
Place of Birth | Universe of the Faltine |
Personal Information
Identity | |